What is a domain? Definitions and examplesalice-photoShutterstock

What is a domain? Definitions and examples

What is a domain? Despite the frequent use of this word, it’s often unclear what the functions and structures of domains are. Knowing the hierarchical structure of the Domain Name System (DNS) is fundamental for anyone working in the field of web hosting. We’ll explain the…

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What role does SEO play in domain name selection?

What role does SEO play in domain name selection?

For a site to position well in the search results, there are many technical, strategic, and content-related requirements that need to be fulfilled. Is the domain name a factor? Is there such as thing as the perfect SEO domain? The domain name is important for SEO, but how do you…

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How to carry out a domain transfer to a new provider

How to carry out a domain transfer to a new provider

Have you been thinking about changing your current hosting provider? If so, you should consider transferring your domain. But don’t let the idea scare you off! These days, transferring an existing domain to a new hosting provider is easier than ever before. Check out our guide to…

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What is cybersquatting?

What is cybersquatting?

Have you tried to register your brand’s domain, only to find it’s already taken? You might be dealing with cybersquatting, a malicious practice that violates name or trademark rights, often leading to legal disputes. We’ll explain cybersquatters’ tactics, discuss cybersquatting…

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How domain management boosts success

How domain management boosts success

As one of the first points of contact with your target audience, domains are important for corporate websites, online marketing and ecommerce. Efficient domain management helps organize and update important aspects of your domain portfolio. This is possible using special tools or…

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Owner, Admin-C, and Tech-C: requirements in domain registration

Owner, Admin-C, and Tech-C: requirements in domain registration

Admin-C, Tech-C, and Zone-C – these roles are all related to domain registration. They represent the important points of contact in domain operations, and their contact details can be found on every Whois entry. But what do these positions actually involve? Who are they filled…

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How to pick the perfect domain name

How to pick the perfect domain name

A domain name is one of the most important components of a domain. It’s how users will find your website. That’s why companies spend a lot of time and money registering a name that can generate more page traffic. Explore our top seven tips and three tools to help you find the…

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How to set up a new web address after a domain change

How to set up a new web address after a domain change

If you own a website, you should know that it needs to be continually maintained and adjusted. But in addition to normal tasks such as administration, maintaining content, and web design, sometimes radical, fundamental changes need to be made. These are especially necessary if…

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What are new TLDs (top-level domains)?GrandeDucShutterstock

What are new TLDs (top-level domains)?

What should you do if your desired domain has already been registered? The range of available .com or .org domains has gotten smaller over the years. Now there is a solution to this problem in the form of new top-level domains! Instead of using complicated and unclear…

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Purchasing domains or registering domains?

Purchasing domains or registering domains?

Buying domains or registering domains–what’s the difference? There are many ways to acquire a domain. While available domains can be registered with any domain provider, rights of use from already-registered domains have to be purchased from their current owners. You can find…

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