

Websites and apps are subject to constant change. New features and functions often promise a higher-value, securer or better-performing web project, which is why their implementation is often a mere formality. Many browsers, however, clearly lag behind when it comes to supporting…

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What is a website?

What is a website?

What exactly is a website? Who needs one, and what are the different options available for private users and businesses? There are solutions for beginners, which require no programming knowledge. These solutions, especially content management systems, have established themselves…

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How to use a href in HTML to add links to your website

How to use a href in HTML to add links to your website

Internal and external links are an important part of your online presence. Adding links to your website is very easy to do with a href. In this tutorial, we will show you the structure of href attributes as well as their values. You will also learn practical tips for using href…

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E-mail etiquette: tips for good internet communicationChinnapongShutterstock

E-mail etiquette: tips for good internet communication

Every day, over 200 billion e-mails are sent around the world – although many of them aren’t received with much enthusiasm. In order for your business e-mails to stand out in all this chaos, you should pay attention to e-mail etiquette. If you stick to the most important rules,…

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Shadow DOM

Shadow DOM

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the basic tools of modern web development. But these standard web languages begin to reveal their weaknesses when you want to customize and reuse individual blocks of code. That’s where shadow DOM technology, part of the Web Components suite, comes…

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SASS TutorialImagentleShutterstock

SASS Tutorial

If you like designing websites but have a tough relationship with CSS, SASS might be the right solution for you. The preprocessor makes it easier for you to work on the design, but it has a few peculiarities. Our comprehensive SASS tutorial uses examples to explain what you can…

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Learn how to Code

Learn how to Code

Welcome to the digital age: every day the average American spends hours looking at smartphone screens and PC monitors. But most still lack even a basic understanding on how the programs affecting their everyday life work. If you think you may fit into this demographic, don’t…

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Learn HTML

Learn HTML

In times of content management systems and website construction kits, you might think it’s a waste of time learning HTML. But if a page doesn’t work for some reason or if you plan to install dynamic elements, you won’t be able to continue without having knowledge of this web…

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REST (Representational State Transfer) plays an important role in the development of modern web applications. Part of the concept, which distinguishes itself from comparable solutions due to its demand for a universal interface, is an internal application structure that follows…

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Bootstrap Tutorial

Bootstrap Tutorial

Bootstrap is one of the best solutions when it comes to creating websites for all devices with little effort. But what exactly lies behind the framework that was originally planned to be used as an internal optimization tool for Twitter? Can total beginners with no CSS,…

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