How to backup photos

How to backup photos

There are many ways to back up photos. Which solutions are best for backing up your own pictures? Ever-improving image qualities lead to larger image files, and that’s why cloud-based photo backups are coming more and more into focus. How safe is it to store your photos there and…

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How to use SQL WHEREChinnapongShutterstock

How to use SQL WHERE

The ability to filter records based on your own criteria is indispensable in SQL. Luckily SQL WHERE clauses make that easy. WHERE clauses can be used to narrow down your search results based on conditions of your choosing. In this tutorial, we explain what SQL WHERE is, how it…

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What are Kubernetes nodes?kentohShutterstock

What are Kubernetes nodes?

Kubernetes nodes are fundamental elements in a cluster and are used to host pods. Nodes have resources such as CPU, RAM and memory and can be flexibly scaled to meet the requirements of the applications. The distribution of nodes across different physical or virtual machines in a…

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How to create Kubernetes Persistent VolumesBEST-BACKGROUNDSShutterstock

How to create Kubernetes Persistent Volumes

Kubernetes Persistent Volumes provide an abstracted storage solution in the cluster, allowing pods to access persistent data independently of the underlying infrastructure. These PVs ensure consistent data storage across pod lifecycles and can be created dynamically to respond…

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How to create and debug a Kubernetes StatefulSetkentohshutterstock

How to create and debug a Kubernetes StatefulSet

Kubernetes StatefulSets give each pod a unique and persistent network identity. This ID persists even after restarts or scaling. In contrast to stateless applications, StatefulSets can start and scale pods in a defined sequence. You can find out everything you need to know about…

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What are Kubernetes pods?ra2 studioShutterstock

What are Kubernetes pods?

Kubernetes pods combine containers and isolate them. Pods within the same service communicate easily by sharing a common network. Controllers continuously monitor the status of pods and adapt them to increasing or decreasing loads. The use of pods in Kubernetes thus simplifies…

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How to automate your tasks with Kubernetes CronJobMr. Kosalshutterstock

How to automate your tasks with Kubernetes CronJob

Kubernetes CronJobs are easy to configure using YAML files. They enable the automatic execution of recurring tasks at specific intervals. CronJobs therefore reduce manual intervention and save time and costs. In our dedicated guide, we explain exactly what CronJobs are and how to…

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What is SIEM (Security Information & Event Management)?

What is SIEM (Security Information & Event Management)?

With timely warnings, cyber threats can be reliably identified and averted. The question is where to get the data from and how to draw the right conclusions. This is where SIEM, short for Security Information & Event Management, comes into play. Any suspicious incidents and…

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What do Kubernetes ReplicaSets do?Ranjit Karmakarshutterstock

What do Kubernetes ReplicaSets do?

Kubernetes ReplicaSets permanently monitor active pods. Depending on requirements, pods are automatically restarted or removed to maintain the defined number of instances. The declarative configuration using YAML files simplifies the handling of ReplicaSets and contributes to the…

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How to host a Soulmask server

How to host a Soulmask server

Do you want to play Soulmask with friends and decide for yourself whether PvP is allowed or when access to the game world is possible? In this case, your own Soulmask server is the perfect solution. You install and host the server application on the appropriate hardware and then…

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IONOS Server Guide: professional tips on configuration and administration

Servers are what make up the physical basis of the internet. Setting up your own professional site, putting products online for sale, or connecting multiple company locations with one another: all of these tasks require the support of high-performance computers. And it doesn’t matter if you purchase hardware resources for your own data center or opt for the flexibility of cloud services: operating a server comes with the challenge of independently configuring and administering hardware components. But don’t worry, there’s a lot of support out there for these tasks. In the Server Guide of IONOS’s Digital Guide series, you’ll find regular articles, news, and tutorials on how to operate this indispensable component of today’s IT infrastructure.

Server information for businesses, developers, and tech hobbyists

Packed with practical tips, our guide covers a wide spectrum of topics primarily aimed at mid-sized companies, freelance developers, and tech hobbyists. While some articles, like ‘What is a server?’ or ‘DNS – name resolution online’ cater more to beginners, experts are by no means left hanging; there’s a wide range of detailed texts and tutorials on important tasks like choosing the best operating system, filling security gaps, or getting the best possible performance out of your software and hardware.

What you can expect in the IONOS Server Guide

If you take a look, you’ll notice our guide is divided into four different subcategories, each covering a different topic. The ‘KnowHow’ area sets out to familiarize beginners with the basics of operating a server. Details on different server types and how to use them are also laid out here. Tips and tricks on managing server software is found under the keyword, ‘Configuration’. The category, ‘Security’ is all about dealing with potential problems server operators may encounter from online threats. Conventional methods of attack, like viruses, worms, and Trojans, and what you can do to combat them are explained here. And the category, ‘Tools’, provides useful guidance on what resources can help make administering your server a more manageable task.

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