
Is a self-hosted mail server right for me?

Is a self-hosted mail server right for me?

Hosting your own mail server comes with numerous benefits including optimal protection for your digital communications. Yet, if you don’t carefully manage your server, issues can emerge. We'll guide you through the scenarios where operating your own mail server is advantageous…

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How to create a creative email address

How to create a creative email address

A good email address is like a memorable brand or company name: It’s easy to understand, original and makes a lasting impression. It’s important to find the right balance between being creative and professional when it comes to thinking up a business email address. In this…

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Who is the best cloud storage provider? A comparison of 9 providers

Who is the best cloud storage provider? A comparison of 9 providers

Storing files online on a cloud platform has become part of everyday life for many people. Storing files with online storage providers takes the load off your hard drive and ensures that they are available anytime and from anywhere. But what are the best cloud storage providers…

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The best AI tools and websites for your business

The best AI tools and websites for your business

It’s no wonder that AI is becoming more and more popular. Artificial intelligence is able to facilitate a whole host of processes and can even help you build your own website. With so many different AI tools out there, which ones are important to know about? Get familiar with the…

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8 Jira alternative solutions at a glancealphaspirit.itShutterstock

8 Jira alternative solutions at a glance

To optimize teamwork in a company, project management tools such as Jira are being used more and more frequently. The program, developed by the Australian software company Atlassian, is one of the most sought-after solutions in its field with over 65,000 customers worldwide. This…

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E-mail etiquette: tips for good internet communicationChinnapongShutterstock

E-mail etiquette: tips for good internet communication

Every day, over 200 billion e-mails are sent around the world – although many of them aren’t received with much enthusiasm. In order for your business e-mails to stand out in all this chaos, you should pay attention to e-mail etiquette. If you stick to the most important rules,…

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Internet of Things

Internet of Things

The internet of things (IoT) is driving digital change. Smart household appliances and self-driving cars are already available. More and more everyday devices are being connected to form a comprehensive network that will eventually penetrate all areas of life. The 5G mobile…

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Digital legacyPeshkovaShutterstock

Digital legacy

Digital legacy is the term used to describe the majority of electronic information left behind by a person in the event of their death. Online profiles in social networks must be deleted or converted into memorial pages, current contracts need to be canceled, digital possessions…

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Successful companies will continually strive to optimize workflows. The project management software Jira simplifies and improves teamwork by clearly documenting the necessary steps in a task to ensure the best results. We explain what Jira is, what benefits the tool brings to an…

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What is ASP.NET?REDPIXEL.PLShutterstock

What is ASP.NET?

If you’re interested in programming Windows applications, you may be familiar with the C# and Visual Basic languages. You probably already work with the .NET framework. With ASP.NET you can use the usual languages and methods to realize web applications and dynamic websites. Read…

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