
How to create and debug a Kubernetes StatefulSetkentohshutterstock

How to create and debug a Kubernetes StatefulSet

Kubernetes StatefulSets give each pod a unique and persistent network identity. This ID persists even after restarts or scaling. In contrast to stateless applications, StatefulSets can start and scale pods in a defined sequence. You can find out everything you need to know about…

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What are Kubernetes pods?ra2 studioShutterstock

What are Kubernetes pods?

Kubernetes pods combine containers and isolate them. Pods within the same service communicate easily by sharing a common network. Controllers continuously monitor the status of pods and adapt them to increasing or decreasing loads. The use of pods in Kubernetes thus simplifies…

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How to automate your tasks with Kubernetes CronJobMr. Kosalshutterstock

How to automate your tasks with Kubernetes CronJob

Kubernetes CronJobs are easy to configure using YAML files. They enable the automatic execution of recurring tasks at specific intervals. CronJobs therefore reduce manual intervention and save time and costs. In our dedicated guide, we explain exactly what CronJobs are and how to…

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What do Kubernetes ReplicaSets do?Ranjit Karmakarshutterstock

What do Kubernetes ReplicaSets do?

Kubernetes ReplicaSets permanently monitor active pods. Depending on requirements, pods are automatically restarted or removed to maintain the defined number of instances. The declarative configuration using YAML files simplifies the handling of ReplicaSets and contributes to the…

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How to install Nextcloud on KubernetesGorodenkoffshutterstock

How to install Nextcloud on Kubernetes

Nextcloud and Kubernetes work perfectly together to establish a cloud solution that’s as flexible and secure as possible. In this dedicated article, we’ll show you which settings and precautions you need to take to ensure that the cloud service and container management work well…

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Container technology has revolutionized software development. However, working with multiple containers at the same time can quickly become confusing. Kubernetes provides a solution to this. This orchestration tool allows developers to monitor all containers, effectively scale…

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OpenShift vs. Kubernetes

OpenShift vs. Kubernetes

Do you want to work with leading-edge container technology, but don’t know which orchestration tool to use? Ease of use versus flexibility, PaaS versus open source, OpenShift versus Kubernetes: both orchestration tools have their advantages. But which is the best fit for your…

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Kubernetes Alternatives

Kubernetes Alternatives

Kubernetes is the market leader for distributed cluster orchestrators. Interestingly, a number of alternatives exist to give Kubernetes a run for its money. These cover a wide range of possible uses. From local clusters for your own development environment to distributed systems…

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Kubernetes Tutorial for Beginnersalphaspirit.itshutterstock

Kubernetes Tutorial for Beginners

Kubernetes helps you manage containers – if you know how it works. But the first steps in particular can often be difficult. We explain the installation and most important features in our Kubernetes tutorial simply and concisely. Learn step by step how you can create a cluster…

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How to create and apply a Kubernetes load balancersdecoretShutterstock

How to create and apply a Kubernetes load balancer

The popular container management system Kubernetes supports various load balancing approaches that ensure that the workload is distributed to different pods in the best possible way. This not only improves performance, but also resilience and scalability. Learn how to create…

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