Samples & templates

How to write a goodbye email to coworkers and clients

How to write a goodbye email to coworkers and clients

With your goodbye email to coworkers and customers, you can demonstrate professionalism, show your sense of humor, and leave a good impression. Read our tips on choosing the appropriate tone, recipients, and timing for your message, and learn what you should and shouldn’t say in…

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How to write a business email (15 samples for every occasion)Rawpixel.comShutterstock

How to write a business email (15 samples for every occasion)

Business email examples can help facilitate communication between customers and companies. Having a repertoire of business email samples on hand ensures the quality of communication remains high and you’re always one step ahead when it comes to customer contact. We’ve put…

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The right etiquette for business Christmas cards

The right etiquette for business Christmas cards

Christmas cards for clients are a good opportunity to communicate your appreciation, look back on a successful year of working together, and show your optimism for future work. We’ll explain what successful corporate Christmas cards for clients look like, what to consider and…

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Out-of-office message when you leave a job: Templates & Tips

Out-of-office message when you leave a job: Templates & Tips

Do you want to create an auto-reply email to be sent after leaving your job? Setting up an automatic out-of-office message for future incoming emails can ensure that messages and customers will not be lost. Read our guide for tips on creating an auto-reply email template for…

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30 Excel shortcuts to speed up your workoptimarcShutterstock

30 Excel shortcuts to speed up your work

Excel shortcuts enable you to carry out your work a lot faster, but you first have to learn them. We present you with 30 useful Excel key combinations that faciliate your daily work. From navigation, to inserting cells, to calculating totals. If there isn’t already a shortcut for…

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How to write a maternity leave out-of-office messageGeorge RudyShutterstock

How to write a maternity leave out-of-office message

An out-of-office message for maternity leave appears professional and provides important information for your coworkers and other contacts. In this guide, you’ll learn what to include in your maternity leave out-of-office message and what’s best to leave out. Our templates will…

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Getting a privacy policy for your website

Getting a privacy policy for your website

An important part of a website that many operators underestimate is the privacy policy. This notifies site visitors of the information they are disclosing about themselves and what their data will be used for. But what kind of information should this declaration contain, what has…

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