
What do Kubernetes ReplicaSets do?Ranjit Karmakarshutterstock

What do Kubernetes ReplicaSets do?

Kubernetes ReplicaSets permanently monitor active pods. Depending on requirements, pods are automatically restarted or removed to maintain the defined number of instances. The declarative configuration using YAML files simplifies the handling of ReplicaSets and contributes to the…

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How much does a website cost?Ruslan GrumbleShutterstock

How much does a website cost?

It’s useful to determine the costs for creating a website in advance. The more technically demanding a website is, the more expensive it will be to create and maintain it. However, there are many other factors to consider when you want to know how much it should cost to build a…

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How to boost performance with website optimization

How to boost performance with website optimization

If you want to optimize your website, there are a few things you need to bear in mind. Both content and technical optimization measures play a major role when it comes to making your website faster or adapting it for mobile devices. In this article, you will learn how to optimize…

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What to do when Windows 11 won’t boot?Ollyyshutterstock

What to do when Windows 11 won’t boot?

There can be many reasons why Windows 11 won’t boot. If you can rule out a hardware error, Windows 11’s tools can help you eliminate potential errors with the operating system. In this article, we’ll show you how to identify what’s wrong with your system and how to get it back up…

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What is malware?

What is malware?

Worms, viruses, and Trojan horses are examples of viruses that infiltrate systems and carry out undesirable actions. Collectively, these are referred to as “malware.” In this guide, we’ll explore the various types of malware, understand the differences between them, and take a…

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How to make a website in eight steps

How to make a website in eight steps

Nowadays it’s essential for companies and brands to have their own website in order to present their services or range of products to customers. A website is not only useful for businesses though, it is often ideal for other purposes too. In this guide, we explain how to create a…

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How to create a successful newsletter marketing strategy

How to create a successful newsletter marketing strategy

E-Mail marketing provides a direct and personalized way of delivering the recipient the information that they need. With individual newsletters and advertising mails, businesses can achieve a sustainable customer retention whether it involves interested parties, repeat customers,…

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How to fix a website that has been hackedMakstormShutterstock

How to fix a website that has been hacked

The moment you realize your website has been hacked is alarming. If you’re sure your website has been compromised, you need to keep calm and act swiftly. But how do you spot a hacked website? What are the common signs of a compromised page and what can you do to rectify the…

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How to create the perfect website style guide

How to create the perfect website style guide

Fixed guidelines about design and branding are essential for a professional and serious web presence. Companies usually outline these in what’s known as a style guide. These serve as outlines for web designers and editors, and have the aim of presenting companies or institutions…

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Hidden reserves: Explained.Watchara Ritjanshutterstock

Hidden reserves: Explained.

Hidden reserves can occur within a company through many ways: Some arise more or less of their own accord, others are created either intentionally or unintentionally. Usually these are completely legal or even required by law. On the other hand, however, these hidden assets can…

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