It may be the case that Website Checker does not recognize a sitemap.xml. The reasons for this could be the following:

  • The sitemap.xml is stored under an unusual path and submitted manually to Google.
  • The sitemap.xml is there but contains errors.

My Website Could Not Be Found by Google

Google uses a variety of criteria for its search results. Despite having a sitemap.xml, it is possible Google cannot find parts of a website. It can take between 8 and 12 weeks for a new website to appear on Google.

Check if your website is included in Google‘s search index. To do this, enter the following search term on Google:

When your content appears in the list, Google already knows about your content. You should optimize your content in such a way that it is well placed with common search terms.
This rankingCoach to eliminate errors in the sitemap.xml.

There may be different reasons for your content not appearing in the list. In this case, follow the Google guidelines (Manage sitemaps with the Sitemaps report ) to eliminate errors in the sitemap.xml.