For Shared Hosting

In order to guarantee our customers a secure and stable platform for their web applications in the future, we have started upgrading the operating system environment of our hosting platform and the Linux operating system of the Managed Dedicated Servers. We plan to complete the update by the end of August 2023.

With the update, you will automatically benefit from even more efficient resource usage, increased system security, and the use of the latest security protocols.

Please Note

For technical reasons, a short interruption of the hosting cannot be avoided. Your webspace and websites will be unavailable for about 5 minutes during the update.

Since your data will be backed up automatically, data loss is not expected.

Updated Hosting Software

Besides the Apache web server, the heart of your hosting so to speak, the update for web developers brings new versions of the Perl, Python and Ruby scripting languages. The MySQL utilities are also updated.

The following table shows you which new version replaces the previous software:

Please Note

The server upgrade does not affect your PHP configuration, PHP version or MySQL databases. You can use the same PHP versions as before. The latest database management system (DBMS) versions remain MariaDB 10.6, MySQL 8 until further notice.

Software Previous Version New Version
Linux kernel From 4.4 upwards (current security patches) 5.4
Web server Apache 2.4.38 Apache 2.4.56
Security mechanisms TLS 1.2 TLS 1.2
DBMS 5.5, 5.7 (MySQL) 5.7, 8.0 (MySQL)
10.6 (MariaDB)
MySQL Utilities Version 15.1 Distribution 10.3.22-MariaDB Ver 15.1 Distribution 10.5.15-MariaDB
OpenSSH 7.9p1 8.4p1
OpenSSL 1.1.1n 1.1.1n
PHP Each version plus PHP Extended Support Each version plus PHP Extended Support
Perl 5.28.1 5.32.1
Python 2 2.7.16 Deprecated
Python 3 3.7.3 3.9.2
Ruby 2.5.5 2.7.4
Git 2.20.1 2.30.2
Please Note

Python 2 version 2.7.16 will no longer be available after the update. Please check your scripts and websites regarding this and switch to Python 3 if possible.

If for some reason you are unable to perform this update, please contact IONOS Customer Service. We will try to find a solution together.